The Oxford Mission

Who we are

At Behala, India, there is a boys’ orphanage, St. Joseph’s Primary School, an English-medium Primary School, Hostels, training schemes for less academic boys, and an ENT/Eye clinic. The new Mathieson Memorial Music Centre, set up in memory of Father Theodore, is now fully in use as a much grander replacement to the old band room. The OM boys use it for music practice and concerts and as an assembly room, and it is available to other organisations and groups who wish to hire it.

At Barisal, Bangladesh, the Mission runs boarding schools, Christian students’ hostels, St Anne’s Medical Centre, an orphanage and a Primary School. A Bangladeshi Brotherhood of St. Paul was also formed in 2003.

In 1970, a Bangladeshi Sisterhood was formed in Jobarpar, the Christa Sevika Sangha. The Sevikas supervise boys’ and girls’ hostels and a play-centre for small children, help in St Gabriel’s School and supervise St. Mary’s Home in Barisal.

Today, the mission remains active in Bangladesh and India. Its historic roots rest in the UK where the UK registered charity continues to manage existing capital resources and raise funds for the activites in the indian sub-continent.

The Oxford Mission